How to Use Erickson’s Secret Trance Voice Induction – a step by step hypnosis training guide

In the study of Conversational Hypnosis there are various inductions and tools you can use to help your subject’s to enter into an altered state of mind.  Hypnosis is just like any other profession or activity; there are steps to take to set up the environment and get people to respond to you in the ways that you want.

The trance-voice hypnotic induction is one of the tools that you will use to get hypnosis underway.  The trance-voice hypnotic induction is the skill of changing your voice into your hypnotic voice in order to induce a trance.  It is a very powerful way to condition people to enter an altered state of mind just by the tone of your voice.

In this induction you will spend time conditioning your subject to recognize and respond to the particular tone, rhythm and pitch of your voice.  Once they are conditioned correctly they will respond much like Pavlov’s dogs in that the response will come with little coaxing and the reward will not even have to be in sight.

Milton Erickson, however not credited with the discovery, was the great hypnotist to discover the power of trance-voice hypnosis.

The steps you must take for this induction are pretty simple once you are acquainted with them.  The first step to the trance-voice hypnotic induction is to compare the conscious and unconscious minds. 

This is as easy as making a list of things to do; instead you are going to recite a list of concepts.  The concepts you will include in this list are going to be comparisons between the conscious mind and unconscious mind’s activities. 

Conscious mind activities are going to include things that happen when you are awake, logical things, processes you work through on a daily basis.  These are things you choose to do, or you do on purpose. 

Unconscious mind activities are going to be the things that take place when you are dreaming like sleep and dreams themselves.  An unconscious activity is anything that you do automatically; you don’t choose to dream, breath, keep your heart beating or control the temperature of your blood.

As you do this list recital you will move on to step two; use a conscious voice and an unconscious voice to do this.  As you read each conscious mind’s activities you will use your conscious voice, like wise as you read the unconscious mind’s activities you will switch to using your unconscious voice.

The differences between these voices will be that your conscious voice is the same as your normal tone of voice.  Everything about this voice will be the same as your natural conversational voice.  You will use the same pitch, tone and rhythm that you would if you and your best friend were discussing the dates you had last night. 

Your unconscious voice however, will be different.  It will typically be slower and more comforting.  This is your hypnotic voice.  In the beginning of the inductions you will typically be using your normal or conscious voice more often. 

This is because you are still working in the conscious frame of mind, which is the activity that is really going on.  As you work through the induction a little way you will be using your unconscious slower voice more frequently.  This is really bringing us to the third step in this induction.

The third step to the trance-voice hypnotic induction is going to be going between the conscious and unconscious minds.  As you are primarily talking about the conscious activities in your conscious you will work in this step. 

This is going to be gently including an unconscious mind activity from time to time.  You will switch to your unconscious mind voice and with its slow and smooth tones include unconscious mind activities.

As you read before you will be primarily working with the conscious mind in the beginning of the induction.  As you begin to weave more and more unconscious mind activities into the conversation, always being sure to change your voice, you will eventually be only talking about unconscious mind activities.  In this you are conditioning the mind to respond hypnotically to your trance-voice.

The fourth step in this process is simply reversing the process at the end of the trance.  When you are ready for your listener to emerge out of their trance you will simply change the direction in which you were going previously. 

You will start with unconscious mind activities in your trance-voice and slowly integrate conscious mind activities back in with your normal voice.  Soon you will be speaking only of conscious mind activities in a normal voice which will bring your subject out of their altered state.

Now that you know the full process for the trance-voice hypnotic induction you can practice it, think about it and more fully grasp the different minds and their activities. 

Just remember as you do this that the conscious mind had a small capacity of 5 – 9 processes at once and is the planner, doer, and the analyzer. 

The unconscious mind has an enormous capacity of up to 2.3 billion process it can handle at a time.  It is the more holistic side of things and likes to take a look at the bigger picture of things, put the pieces together instead of separate them and be more spontaneous. 

These little facts will help you in deciding when to use which voice.  It is important that you not only know when to use which voice but that you also make a clear distinction between your voices so as to never confuse them or your listener. 

This is because when you start in on unconscious topics you unconscious mind will always be in the conversation more fully and start to respond, getting the voices confused or making them so unclear that your listener is confused can be an unfortunate event for both of you.

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